Wednesday, July 31, 2019

New horizons in standardized work techniques for manufacturing and business process improvement Essay

This document analysis different business improvements techniques stating the benefits and limitations of the improvement techniques and going further to reviewing and reflect on the social, commercial and economical factors that affect these business improvement techniques. Investigation on the engineering and manufacturing processes and systems by explaining in details one type of the system known as the lean or Sigma manufacturing system in depth is critically evaluated based on benefits to business: productivity, quality and cost. In today’s very competitive market environment, there is a dire need for enterprises to ensure continual improvement in all their operations. Manufacturing companies always continue to face increasing pressure to improve the quality of their products, to increase productivity and to reduce costs with the available scarce resources. Service firms need to reduce their response time so as to eliminate errors and ensure customer satisfaction. Deployment of suitable techniques to ensure continued improvement thus proves to be a necessity. Through these techniques process capability need to be enhanced which will do away with any kind of defects? Mechanical Engineering is a field of engineering that deals with the application of engineering principles, physics and material science to analysis, designing , in manufacturing and in mechanical systems. Manufacturing Engineering on the other hand is still field of engineering that deals with various manufacturing processes and practices, research and development of the manufacturing systems, machines, equipment and tools and outline of the manufacturing processes being a core part and parcel of this field. BITs (Business Improvement Techniques)                  Business improvement techniques or process improvements also known as business process reengineering entails improving the quality, productivity and the response time of a business process by doing away with activities that add no value and also doing away with unnecessary business costs. An improvement technique(s) thus brings about overall effectiveness in the business operations and processes through optimization of the organization`s underlying processes and activities so as to achieve more and more efficient results. Business Improvement Techniques are very important and beneficial for the different types and sizes of companies in each and every sector so as to remain competitive and relevant in today’s challenging business environment. Implementation of Business Improvement Techniques usually requires a dynamic culture change throughout the whole organization. The organizations that have been in a position to successfully implement a philosophy of continuous improvement over the time have had benefits of reduced costs of operations reduced inventory costs, increased sales and profitability, improved team work and better customer service level and thus leading to customer satisfaction. These Business Improvement Techniques can apply to the organization as a whole in any particular sector of the economy starting from service providers, to government departments to the health care sector then to construction, agriculture and also from manufacturing. The techniques are also very pivotal in the development of a vision, goals, objectives and a strategy towards yielding extraordinary gains in the business. Through these Techniques proper mapping and identification of key processes is done and the information is systems are designed to ensure that information flows within the whole organization in the right order and manner. Another benefit of these techniques is that through them defective points are noted or identified and areas or points of â€Å"waste† are also identified. Recommendations in terms of ways and methods of introducing business those which will eliminate waste and provide bottom line benefits to the business are formulated. Despite the fact that Business Improvement Techniques have numerous bottom line benefits the techniques still have some limitations. The process of Business Improvement Technique is quite engaging and tiresome it surely requires diligence, dedication and concentrated efforts for it to bear fruits or yield the expected results. The process is also usually costly to implement despite having very many benefits it requires resources in terms of skilled and experienced manpower, hiring of experts and also machinery, tools and equipments especially for a manufacturing organization so as to effect the recommended changes. Thorough and detailed analysis of any available information and gathering of data may in a way strain the organization. In-depth training of workers and staff, regular monitoring and evaluation thorough planning, scheduling and organizing are also highly inevitable if the improvement technique is to succeed. It also takes time for the benefits of implementing the improvement technique to be realized at times even years after the start of the implementation process. Resistance to changes by some people in the organization is also an expected limitation in an endeavor to improve the business, some factions in the organization may feel threatened and insecure with the changes brought about by the techniques in terms of changes to processes and systems in the organization. At times workers and even some customers tend to oppose changes to the existing processes and systems. Difficulties can also be experienced before the new established or streamlined processes and systems can become ful ly operational and functional. The Sigma Six                  Sigma Six is a powerful management philosophy business improvement technique developed by Motorola that champions setting of very high objectives, collection of data and its analysis to give out results to a really high degree so as to reduce defects in the products and services offered by the organization. The word â€Å"Sigma† originates from a Greek letter sigma which is usually used to denote variation from a certain set standard. The Six Sigma philosophy is based on the fact that if you take consideration of the many number of defects through measuring there is in a process then it becomes easier to figure out how to eliminate the defects systematically and get near to perfection as much as possible. For Six sigma to be achieved by any organization or company it cannot be producing more than 3.4 defects per one million opportunities in which case an opportunity is taken to mean a chance for nonconformance. Sigma Six has six processes namely Six Sigma DMAIC and Six Sigma DMADV, each term deduced from the major steps in the process. Six Sigma DMAIC is a process that deals with defining, measuring, analyzing, improving, and controlling of existing processes that fall below the Six Sigma standard or specification. Six Sigma DMADV deals with defining, measuring and analyzing designs and also verification of new processes and even products that are striving to achieve the Six Sigma quality. All Six Sigma processes are implemented by Six Sigma Green Belts or Six Sigma Black Belts, which are then overseen by a Six Sigma Master Black Belts. Six Sigma proponents argue that it has mega benefits to the company. These benefits include an up to 50% process cost decrease, cycle-time improvement, a less waste of materials and company`s resources, a better understanding of customer needs and requirements, multiplied customer satisfaction, and also more reliable products and services that can be trusted . Six Sigma can be a really costly improvement technique to implement and can even take several years before the company begins to see its benefits or bottom-line results. Some of the Companies that have practiced and still practice Six Sigma are, General Electric, Texas Instruments, Scientific-Atlanta, Allied Signal and many others. Cases showing application of Six Sigma Technique in the Industry                  The samples below shows some Six Sigma projects evidencing the improvements and changes to processes and systems that were ongoing some of which were very problematic and people would wonder whether those problems could have actually been saved at all at all. It is the Six Sigma technique or approach that leads to these companies identifying their problems and thus be in a position to seek solutions to them many of these projects that were tackled by Six Sigma teams would not have been tackled or addressed at all. Some of these sample cases are: Sample Case 1: CANCEL THAT NEW PLANT                  The case involved a highly successful new pain-killer drug, a pharmaceutical company launched plans to set up a $200 million production facility so as to double its capacity. As the effort of setting it up were starting some people from the company who were new participants in the company’s Six Sigma effort resolved to investigate some of the short-term steps that can boost production in the existing plant. As they collected data, the group or participants first realized that it was only about 40 percent of the drug that was being packaged was usable or could be used. Looking further, they discovered that the sealing method that was being used for the drug vials was very inconsistent that some of them would not be completely closed, while at the same time others were too long to fit in the box. The team thus used a number of testing and refining of the Sealing process by use of different design experiments methods and finally determined the very best combination of inputs or factors that is the time, temperature, distance and so on that could be used to ensure a good seal. Effecting these changes and an addition of few $50 parts to regulate and change the sealing equipment was done and there was no need of establishing the new plant. Sample Case 2: REPAIRING REPAIRS                  A major organization dealing with appliances repair realized the need to improve its capacity to return items to the customers in accordance to when the goods were promised to be returned. Many are the times that repairs were late and the customers became disappointed when they would call in or drop by the organization premises to pick up their appliances or computer. A multi-level DMAIC team decided to narrow their scope to two repair locations and to diligently and carefully analyze all the causes leading to late repairs. The first discovery is that the time taken to repair one product was only part of the problem and that the time taken to ship appliances back and forth from repair shop to the customer site also was the main and big contributor to delays or missed dates. Based on the findings together with the cost/benefit analysis the team in assistance with other colleagues engaged in the two pilot facilities or projects implemented a few changes so as to streamline the process and increase the number of appliances being returned to customers when promised. Lean Sigma on Manufacturing Systems and its Importance in the Production system                  The value of Lean Manufacturing System is best comprehended when at the particular time that its impact of change on economics is properly understood. This manufacturing engineering philosophy is based on designing a manufacturing process or system that very well blends together the essentials of minimizing cost and maximizing profit. The main fundamentals with these systems are Labor, Materials and Machines or Equipment referred to as 3Ms of manufacturing. A very well balanced 3M results in: Maximum utilization of both skilled and unskilled labor; optimal use of the plant size; Smooth traffic movement of materials, labor and automotives. It can also lead to minimum grand total manufacturing costs of the products being produced; Reduce investment; reducing labor requirement and utilization of more productive equipment. Disposition of less productive or unproductive equipments; Flexibility to keeping in pace with market and customer changes and also Increa se Return on Net Asset are other results of use the 3M fundamentals. Three steps involved in the accomplishment of the ultimate manufacturing engineering lean philosophy namely: The first step is to design a simple manufacturing system; one commences the process of system design as simple as possible with just a low volume through the system. The second step is the realization that there is always a room for improvements and thus refining the first step as much as possible. The third step is to continuously work on and improve the lean manufacturing system design concept with addition of the appropriate insertion of and balance of automations, conveyors and in necessary cases the buffer stocks. Additional concepts can be generated that could lead to satisfaction of product and the technical marketing requirements of the products. Through a thorough re-examination of intra- and inter- technologies, through past production process errors and the lessons learned. The competitive analysis of techno-communication may be applicable and finally selection of the proper manufacturing system concepts to be adopted for further considerations or developments should be based upon a thorough analysis performed or done in accordance with the established selection criteria. Consideration of two manufacturing systems that when they are combined give rise to Lean Manufacturing system that is the Flow Manufacturing System and Agile Manufacturing System. Designing a Simple Manufacturing System through flow manufacturing is a time-based process that joins together a smooth production system without any disruption. Rapidly and smoothly flowing materials from raw materials to finished goods through systematic balancing of the laborers or operators, the machine and equipment to customer demands or requirements. The objective of Flow Manufacturing is to provide the ultimate response and also produce the customer requirement, benefits of this goal being to decrease the Total Product Cycle Time, increased productivity and also increased the per capital equipment utilization. In this system of Flow Manufacturing, the performance and output is measured by the Total Product Cycle Time also referred to as the Critical Path. Total Product Cycle Time is the longest lead time path right away from raw materials to finished goods it is the quickest possible response to a customer order with finished products. Lead Time consideration and analysis is derived from the Critical Path which helps us to outline opportunities so as to reduce or eliminate Non-Value-Adding activities and in the process shortening the Total Cycle Product Time. When reducing the variations in the rate of flow in the manufacturing system, the lead time will be reduced. These variations can be reduced through random downtimes, higher uptime, through quick changeover, lower downtime and also through improved quality through error proofs, self checks, and equipment product centered cellular layouts. Agile Manufacturing is quite a profitable manufacturing system that is closely inter-twined to the concept of Flow Manufacturing. It goes further and builds on the Flow Manufacturing concept to further reduce the lead time, optimize asset utilization or use and build to customer demand by focusing on being able to aptly respond to customer requests and demands. It has an assumption that the customer requirement or specifications and volumes which is based on continuous changes. Program lead time is the form of measurement of Agile Manufacturing performance. The main goal is to have a system that has a smooth flow of material while at the same time maximizing the value added activities of the operator. There are other situations in the system design process that requires special consideration such as situations include: Manufacturing Process, Manufacturing System, Value Added (VA) activities and the Non Value Added (NVA) activities. The manufacturing process entails the equipments used to create, to alter, to assemble, to measure and tests the product with the objective of meeting a pre-determined product requirement. This equipment includes machines, tools, fixtures, and gauges such as drills, grinders and test stands. The manufacturing system involves the combination of labor and manufacturing process which are then linked together with materials handling both manual or automated so as to move the material or product from one manufacturing point to the next process and to the next until it is processed into a finished product. VA or Value Added is any activity that is performed to a product as it moves along the production process that the customer perceived as actually addition of value to the product. The NVA (Non Valuable Activities) are all the activities that are associated with the production process that happen not to be adding any value to the product and thus not necessary to be performed but it is st ill nonetheless performed at the current moment awaiting the emergence or arousal of awareness on availability of better methods to replace it. In Lean Manufacturing however the manufacturing cost does not necessarily have a steep drop as the volume requirements or demands of customer’s changes. This is because of the product flexibility and also equipment flexibility that can be very well incorporated into the Lean Manufacturing System. This system is mostly characterized with: investment which are done as required, more flexible equipment, more adaptability to uncertain markets in terms of volumes and products and also characterized with smaller capacity increments and more product(s) flexibility. Lean manufacturing system design needs to be continuously improved so as to aptly respond to the customer requirements and to ensure this is by having flexibility of equipment and have the capability to match it with the product flexibility. Having uncertain customer requirements makes it important to examine the manufacturing costs over a range of volumes also been very keen not to produce beyond the requirements. This system is characterized with: investments committed upfront which is usually quite high; more rigid and complicated equipment and larger capacity increments with high customer volume demands or requirements for long periods Lean Manufacturing System has potential for greater profitability which highly depends on utilization of its resources that is the 3Ms in terms of the materials moving the Value Activities or VA, man or labor working by adding value to the product, machine running in a manner that is more productive. Lean Manufacturing System can be successfully adopted in new manufacturing system or environment, in an existing manufacturing system requiring capitalization, new equipments or even in product relocation. In conclusion given the increasing competitiveness in the market place it would be suicidal for a business to ignore continual improvement in its systems and operations. Manufacturing companies specifically will always continue to face increasing pressure to improve the quality of their products, to increase productivity and to reduce costs with the available scarce resources. Use of the right Business Improvement Techniques to ensure continued improvement of the business to as to keep afloat of competition and deal with changes in its environment. From this paper it is clear that Business Improvement Techniques dramatically decreases the waste chain in the business operations and also reduces the Inventory and floor space requirements. Creation of more robust production processes and systems and also appropriate material delivery systems are established and there is improved layouts for more flexibility in business as a result of the Business Improvement Techniques and thus should b e a priority for any business to consider embracing. References Marcos, M. (2012). Advances in manufacturing systems selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference, September 2011, Cadiz, Spain. Durnten-Zurich, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications. Martin, T. D., & Bell, J. T. (2011). New horizons in standardized work techniques for manufacturing and business process improvement. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Meyer, U. B., & Creux, S. E. (2009). Process oriented analysis: design and optimization of industrial production systems. Boca Raton, FL: CRC/Taylor & Francis. Olaru, A. (2012). Optimization of the mechanical engineering, manufacturing systems, robotics and aerospace selected, peer reviewed papers from the 7th International Conference on Optimization of the Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing systems, Robotics and Aerospace (OP. Stafa-Zurich: TTP Trans Tech Publications. Rogers, D. (2011). The future of lean Sigma thinking in a changing business environment. Baco Raton, FL.: CRC Press. Source document

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Road to TQM

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a comprehensive and structured approach to organizational management that seeks to improve the quality of products and services through ongoing refinements in response to continuous feedback. TQM requirements may be defined separately for a particular organization or may be in adherence to established standards, such as the International Organization for Standardization's ISO 9000 series.TQM can be applied to any type of organization; it originated in the manufacturing sector and has since been adapted for use in almost every type of organization imaginable, including schools, highway maintenance, hotel management, and churches TQM processes are divided into four sequential categories: plan, do, check, and act (the PDCA cycle).In the planning phase, people define the problem to be addressed, collect relevant data, and ascertain the problem's root cause; in the doing phase, people develop and implement a solution, and decide upon a measurement to gaug e its effectiveness; in the checking phase, people confirm the results through before-and-after data comparison; in the acting phase, people document their results, inform others about process changes, and make recommendations for the problem to be addressed in the next PDCA cycle. IntroTotal quality management (TQM) consists of organization-wide efforts to install and make permanent a climate in which an organization continuously improves its ability to deliver high-quality products and services to customers. Total Quality Management (TQM) is a participative, systematic approach to planning and implementing a constant organizational improvement process. Its approach is focused on exceeding customers’ expectations, identifying problems, building commitment, and promoting open decision-making among workers.The Road to TQM (Growth) Until around 1950, Japanese products were perceived in markets all over the world as being very inexpensive, but with poor quality. By the 1980s, th e same markets were recognizing MADE IN JAPAN as a sign of high quality and reliability. What happened during those three decades? Mass production systems were developed mainly by U. S. industries in the early 20th century. Other countries that were then emerging as new powers adopted variations of this scientific management of companies according to their individual contexts.After the World war, the devastated Japanese economy moved vigorously to restore its previous production level through full-on importation of technologies and ideas from the U. S. and Europe. In the postwar period, Japanese industries absorbed many modern concepts. The quality management systems were typical examples. However, Japanese-made still had a connotation of being inexpensive but with poor quality until the early 1950s. A number of factors contributed to reversing the notorious reputation of Japanese products in the subsequent two decadesTOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT ADAPTION:Japan introduced development of applied technologies, creative reception of imported systems, successful introduction of industrial policies in harmonization with the private sector, expansion of world trade, gradual liberalization of domestic markets for foreign capital, and so on. Among them, what calls our particular attention in relation to management systems is Japan’s 1950s and early 1960s adaptation of Total Quality management. The Japanese management philosophy, system and practices, all focusing mainly on people and work is also termed as â€Å"Total Quality Management†.The common goal of TQM is to produce and serve the quality the customers need in a most economic manner. To achieve this goal, common approaches adopted in TQ M are: Policy deployment (PDCA cycle), Small group activities (QC circle) Systematic problem solving (QC story) Statistical methods ( QC tools) We can consider Total Quality Management (TQM) as an umbrella under which many components of Japanese management practices wo rk simultaneously for improvement of productivity and quality. Refer to Exhibit-XII for some examples.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Charge of the Light Brigade Essay Example for Free (#3)

Charge of the Light Brigade Essay How far do Sources 1 and 2 challenge the impression of the Charge of the Light Brigade given in Source 3? The Charge of the Light Brigade was started by an order given by Lord Raglan to charge. It last half an hour and 113 men were killed. Source 3 is a ‘recalling’ of the brutality of the Charge of the Light Brigade. It shows the perspective of someone watching the battle rather than taking part so is therefore limited. Although, it is still useful as is written by a witness who saw it happen at the time of the event. There are various features of source 1 and 2 that challenge source 3’s impression of the Charge of the Light Brigade. For example, source 1 portrays the appearance of only Russian soldiers and of the English look triumphant. Whereas source 3 states ‘our men tried to drag their mangled bodies’ giving the impression that many were badly injured. Source 2 challenges source 3 by saying ‘right thro’ the line they broke’ this gives the impression the English troops managed to get onto Russian ground and shows them as more successful than stated in source. In addition source 2 agrees with source 1 in this sense as can be seen in the picture, the English soldiers have reached the Russians and the Russians are made to look weak. Source 2 however is limited as is written as a poem, so may be dramatized to add effect and make to it more interesting to read. Also the information included in the poem was written on the Isle of Weight after hearing Russell’s report so is very limited. Despite the various things that challenge source 3 in source 2 and 1 there are also many things that agree with it. When looking at the cartoon in source 1 it appears to disagree with source 3, however looking at the provenance may change this opinion. It was published in the magazine ‘Punch’ which was a teasing and dramatizing newspaper. It was also only one month after the Charge of the Light Brigade and everyone knew how badly the English had performed. It appears to pick fun at Lord Cardigan and blame him for the loss that day. Source 3 and 2 also agree that a lot of men were badly injured or killed that day. This is seen when source 2 states ‘Then they rode back, but not not this six hundred’ the emphasis on the not shows that nowhere near six hundred of them rode back. In source 3 this is shown when Sergeant-Major Timothy Gowing states ‘but few escaped. ’ Source 2 agrees with source 3 when it states the soldiers were ‘shatter’d and sunder’d. ’ This coincides with the image of the soldiers having to ‘drag their mangled bodies’ the word drag shows exhaustion and that they used every last bit of energy to try and escape the battle field. In conclusion, source 1 and 2 mainly agree with the image of the Charge of the Light Brigade portrayed in source 3. Source 1 is making fun of Lord Cardigan and how terribly wrong the whole situation went so is a lot less serious than the other 2 sources. They all however give the image of the battle being a bloody, ‘brutal’ one in which many lives were lost. Source 3 was written 41 years after this shows the charge still has an impact years later and people still do not know the full truth. Charge of the Light Brigade. (2018, Oct 13).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Todays selection processes are impartial, rational and effective. To Essay - 1

Todays selection processes are impartial, rational and effective. To what extent is this statement a myth - Essay Example In this paper, the focus will be on the selection processes of present times and whether or not these have turned out to be effective, rational and impartial with the passage of time. It will be taken care of by providing a balanced perspective – one that is in line with the thinking ideologies of the people who matter the most. One shall believe that selection processes of late have turned out to be a myth more than anything else. This is because they are usually filled with people who are either someone’s relatives or close friends. There seems to be little impartiality attached with the notion of selection and recruitment as should be the case in the perfect scenario. The selection processes usually require a great deal of input from the human resources management department and without its due role within the thick of things, the different processes can go haphazard. This is a reality that has dawned upon different organizations as far as their selection processes are concerned. It would be correct to state that selection processes are usually marred with issues which are unethical in nature as well (Smith & Robertson 1993). What this means is the fact that these selection regimes have been unable to understand how different nuances of hiring the right people are followed and thus made a benchmar k in their own right. There are problems which must be resolved in an amicable manner so that the newly hired employees have a better feel of how things will shape up in the times to come (Laser 1994). What is most important here is to realize that the selection processes should be fair in their existence and give each and every candidate a chance to prove his mettle. If this does not come about in a proper manner, there could be issues which could mar the very basis of the selection that is being done under the aegis of an organization. It is necessary to ascertain the exact basis of success within the selection processes because these would speak

Services Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Services Marketing - Essay Example As a result of this investigation I would like to address number of reasons for mistakes†. This does not look well for the company because it generalizes that all staffs are incompetent due to the lack of initiative. Second, Qantas should have assumed responsibility of the inconvenience instead of passing it to someone else. Doing so would make Qantas appear professional and responsible. . Acknowledged of such lapse in policy and its action to look for ways to address customer’s complaint in the future sounds professional. This acknowledges the problem without blaming anyone and more importantly, that Qantas will be doing something about it. This is a better approach than passing the blame to regulatory agencies or by citing company policies. The mention of the need of training for employees makes the employees look incompetent, insensitive and invites more complaint from the customer and this should have been avoided in the letter. This is present in the phrase â€Å"To prevent re-occurrences we have set a verification procedure and we also implemented a regular training to all crewmembers, which will ensure they have accessible to responsibilities and improving their customer’s service skills†. Qantas should have responded that â€Å"we will step up our capabilities to satisfy customer expectations†. This implies training without making the employees look incompetent. In the third paragraph, Qantas should have been completed by citing concrete acts by the company that will pacify the customer. For example, in can be written as â€Å"To show the good will â€Å"probably provide rebate† or even a free ticket to the customer’s destination† as an act to maintain the goodwill of the customer and to compensate for all the trouble caused. This would also serve as compensatory measures to the any inconveniences caused to the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Mcdonalds decision making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Mcdonalds decision making - Essay Example It assists the management to make the best decision that lead to the continuous progress and success of McDonalds. The organization’s culture is to provide leadership skills to employees. It also makes sure that they are able to gather information from the customers, offer opinion, and their insights of the problems arising in the internal and external environment that may affect the organization (Reid & Bojanic, 2010). McDonald’s management ensures that they motivate their workers and listen to any grievances. This is a way of making sure that the employees are happy due to the notion that happy employees will serve the customers better and thus more profits for the company. The happy employees are willing to interact more with the customers. Moreover, they gather more information that is necessary in accessing the views of the public and the changes that are needed to ensure more progress. For instance, in 2005, employees reported that most people valued healthy food. They informed the management who laid the best strategies to ensure they provide healthy food to the customers (Reid & Bojanic, 2010). These have worked over the years and it is advisable for other organization to adopt a similar style of decision-making. This move will ensure long-term prosperity and better working relationship in the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Marketing Plan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing Plan - Coursework Example The prospected customers are also interested in perfumes from reputable manufacturers. In addition, Jade has plans to survey opportunities for the ever-increasing online sales (Fisher et al. 2005). Over the next two years, Jade can impose itself as the strongest emerging competitor in the perfume retail industry through increased distribution, new products from manufactures, and win new customers to maintain its leading strength. Jade perfume is the new kid in the block. ‘A new kid with new rules’ is the number one Jade slogan. It is not just a brand shop but also the emerging strongest competitor in the retail perfume industry. Customers should think of Jade as, not just a brand but also as a luxurious, modern, fun, innovative, professional, trend-setting, innovative and friendly collection (Fisher et al. 2005). As a perfume and cologne collection shop, Jade Perfumes has an overwhelming marketing environment with opportunities as well as a variety of challenge both internally and externally. Jade has a number of strengths that will make it the strongest emerging competitor in the industry. First, the brand name in itself is eye-catching, simple and sweet. Jade as a name is always associated with cute ladies and a perfect name for a perfume and cologne shop. Second to the strengths is the target market. Jade perfumes target the youth (teenagers and young adults) and the elderly men and women alike. Pricing is the third strong factor that separates Jade from other shops in the industry (Fisher et al. 2005). The designed pricing system will accommodate middle income and wealthy individuals. Jade products range from the pocket friendly to the expensive perfume brands. The products are divided into sections with different pricing, and every person who gets into Jade perfumes will certainly come out happy. Fourth, Jade has a strong professional team that will serve the customers to their satisfaction with a dedication of achieving the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Probation Client Needs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Probation Client Needs - Assignment Example This program’s aims are to reduce the drug use and drug dependency of female inmates on parole and probation. It is a holistic program that also includes skills training as well as family and other types of counseling as well as recreational and social activities (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (b), 2013). Another similar program is also in use in California for the men and this one also aims at reducing the recidivism rates among the male inhabitants that have been paroled from Californian correctional facilities (Study evaluates substance abuse in probation, parole admissions (a), 2011). This has also had a positive influence in reducing the rates of return to custody of male inmates especially those on probation and released early on parole (Hinkle, 2008). Another program is the Dallas County Judicial Treatment Center implemented in Dallas Texas, a residential substance abuse program specifically aimed at those on probation. It aims to reduce the prison overcrowding in the Texas correctional system. It not only includes modern therapeutic substance abuse treatments utilizing the 12-step method but also includes life-skills training, drug education as well as counseling (Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Substance Abuse Treatment for Adults in the Criminal Justice System, 2005). These programs have all in addition to reducing the costs of running prisons and alleviating the overcrowding problem in these facilities, also resulted in better results for the offenders, corrections system and the communities in which they are located. 2. These programs have all got as a major strength the fact they have taken a more holistic view of the problems of offenders with substance abuse histories. They also look at other... This essay discusses the parole and probation clients who go into substance abuse programs have shown improvement in more ways than those who do not go through those programs or those who only undergo custodial sentences. The major improvement has been in the area of personal rehabilitation. Criminal behavior brought on by substance abuse can only be reduced if the root cause of the behavior, the substance abuse, is dealt with as only punishing the offender results in him or her returning to the substance abuse on completion of the sentence. Furthermore, if the other usually connected causes of the behavior and substance abuse, such as lack of a job, lack of job skills, lack of housing and a community where drugs are easily available are not tackled at the same time, the offender actually ends up building tolerance and making the substance abuse problem even more serious. All over the US programs that are addressing these root cause of drug-related criminal behavior are producing bet ter results in the rehabilitation of inmates. In conclusion, a program that looks at the needs of the offenders in a more holistic and realistic way stands a better chance of success. Studies have also shown that offender rehabilitation programs that not only include the right kind of treatment for those with substance abuse issues, coupled with the most appropriate community based programs are the most successful when it comes to enabling the criminal justice system impart both punishment and rehabilitation to those convicted of crimes.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Business Lawl Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Lawl - Case Study Example When one of the parties failed to perform his or her obligation in a valid contract where he or she freely entered, he or she can be held liable for breach of contract. Breach of contract is an actionable tort and the party at fault can be held liable for the payment of damages for the loss suffered by the plaintiff. There are mainly two kinds of losses: actual and nominal. Actual losses are those that can be established by computation or estimation. Even if there is no actual loss, the claimant can still be entitled to nominal loss with the fact that a breach was made. The claimant should prove the losses suffered by him or her through presentation of evidences or documents because of the legal maxim that "he who asserts must prove". In this case, Jettison could only be liable for the actual loss suffered by the lessor when it breached the contract. The actual loss is $12,000, which is the expected amount of the lease payments for the remainder of the contract which is one (1) more year. An employment contract must also contain the essential requisites of an ordinary contract to be legally binding. ... Failure to assent within the prescribed period is a rejection of the contract, thus, no contract is formed. In this case, the employment contract is not yet legally binding since Sara did not yet give her assent to it. She has seven (7) days more to accept, reject or make a counter-offer. If Sara did not act on the contract, or if the contract was rejected or a counter-offer was made but the company did not agree, the contract is automatically extinguished and has no legal effect at all. The non-compete clause restricts an employee from sharing or utilizing the trade secrets or other information of the company he or she had worked within a certain period. It can be made a provision of an employment contract and the validity of the restrictive period will rest upon the discretion of the court. The case of Double Click v. Henderson decided by the New York Supreme Court states the rationale behind the acceptance of a non-compete clause as part of a contract or an agreement. Answer to Situation No. 4: Slip and Fall Accident When a person slipped or fell on a property and caused him or her injury, the owner/possessor of the property can be held liable for torts or damages under the premises liability rule. Under this rule, the owner or possessor of the property where the slipping or falling accident happened can be held liable for the injuries sustained by the visitor (invitee, licensee, or trespasser) if: 1) the possessor knew or should have known of the condition, should have realized that it involved an unreasonable risk of harm to the visitor, and should have expected that the visitor would not discover or realize the danger; 2) The owner/possessor failed to exercise reasonable care to make the condition safe, or to warn the visitor of the condition and the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Law and ethics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Law and ethics - Research Paper Example Additionally, the contract clause called binding effect ensures that both parties have sufficient knowledge or skill concerning the consequences of their actions (Chen-Wishart, 2012). On the other hand, labor law should focus on the rules and regulations that define minimum wage and collective action. Accordingly, provision of warranty is vital because it allows an aggrieved party to claim losses suffered or monetary damages. Overall, the defining rules should equally have collateral contracts besides the main contract to assist in case the other fails. It is crucial to comprehend the contents of a contract in relation to the clauses and limitations that are often defined by civil or penalty law. A penalty law is imposed in case a party contravenes the contents that bear a huge significance in the contract. Consequently, a penalty could assume a monetary payment or forfeiture of certain resources that are clearly spelt out in the employment contract. Alternatively, adducing supporting evidence is fundamental in cancelling a contract or invoking the civil law to receiving fine for restitution (Poole, 2012). Similarly, under the labor laws, both parties must thoroughly acknowledge the limitations of the contract. For example, the contract could either be rescinded or void depending on the emerging terms and conditions. Construction of the contract must obey the relative terms that are spelt out by employment contract or labor laws. This is because it is upon both parties to set the agendas of the bargain including subsequent rights and responsibilities. Likewise, during the construction of the contract, comprehending the implications of social subordination and economic dependence will determine the avoidance of civil penalties. Conversely, the labor laws must address the issues of bargaining power that breed inequality between individual parties the scenario usually result to conflicts and injuries

Foreign minister Essay Example for Free

Foreign minister Essay According to a former French foreign minister, America’s power lies in its ability to â€Å"inspire dreams and desires† due to its eternal presence in media all around the world. In an interconnected world, there is no doubt that the America more than country has acquired status of an empire, turning the world towards American ways. Some reason American military might and others consider its media the real power, however it’s the American businesses, which have changed the world enormously in the last 100 years. American companies today are doing not just business, but they have made America a world economic power. A slight depreciation in dollar or energy in US, the whole world can feel pinch of the impact. In a global economy, American companies are reaching out to the consumers and exploiting markets, be it China or Latin America or Japan or African countries, they are the force to reckon with. As they arrive in the region, they bring in capital, technology, knowledge and jobs for the local residents. And in addition buy from the local firms contributing to the social activities of the regions. Today America owes the world well- known products and brands, dominating the business models around the globe. Out of 100 famous brands, 62 are American, which is about 62 percent of the well-known brand. American companies contribute to the one third of the world economic output, companies like Coca-Cola, Macdonalds, Apple, IBM, and Microsoft has not only created wealth and jobs at home, but they have also created countless jobs overseas increasing American Influence. American companies deliver their products by basically in two ways: exports and over seas investment. These practices are popular ways of US companies to have their presence in the global business making them connected to many world economies. American firms compete more through foreign direct investment and establish by being on the ground. In simple words, the American firms global engagement is more through manufacturing and selling, such as General Motors manufacturing in Germany, Intel integrating in Ireland, Wal-Mart manufacturing in Jordan, Eastman Kodak competing Fuji in China and capturing sales in Latin America. It is no surprise that during the economic crisis of Mexico in 1995 and Asian crisis in 1997, US companies had the impact, yet not as much as it was anticipated. Even during the crisis American (FDI) was relatively stable due to several inherent superior measures taken by these companies. The US companies are the leading exporters in the world. American companies accounted for the fifty percent of the semiconductor manufacturing in 2005. According to WTO report, the US exports and commercial activities, such as semi-conductors, computers, vehicle spare parts, and pharmaceutical products reached US$1. 01 trillion in 2003. From 1994 to 2003, US FDI (foreign direct investment) reached US$1. 3 trillion, bringing new technologies and managerial skills to developing countries. In fact the US companies are engine of global growth, without them, the world economy can become stagnant.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Apollo 13 Essay Example for Free

Apollo 13 Essay For those not old enough to have lived through it, a story of shooting for a landing on the moon, suffering an explosion on the spacecraft on the way to the moon, not landing on the moon, and then narrowly making it home to Earth is the story of Apollo 13. When facing issues, conflicts, and the attainment of goals, having the resources of a fully functional manager and team are irreplaceable. A manager that has clear goals and strategies in place is more likely to succeed even when faced with the greatest types of adversity. Every employee of NASA should know about the tragic event of Apollo 13. The background of the team began with the completion between the U. S. and Russia and their space exploration programs. What started out as a routine trip to the moon and back soon became one of the biggest crises NASA had ever experienced. From understanding the plight of the spacecraft, to knowing what needed to be done, to creating a CO2 converter out of materials only available on the spacecraft, the flight is a clear lesson on how to manage a team in a crisis. In many projects, it always comes back to a stressful situation, where quick decisions must be made which have a major impact on the achievement of the task at hand. Many managers often ask for advice on how to handle such situations in order to be a good leader and achieve maximum results. In order to be an effective manager and to be able to influence other and exercise high degrees of control, some rules should be followed. I will give a few examples of how Gene Kranz managed to promote teamwork and to achieve the best possible solutions despite unprecedented problems, lack or resources and time pressure. One must remain optimistic and believe in themselves and the team to achieve a set goal. Without personal convictions managers will not be able to motivate the team to developed new solutions, continue to working and foster collaboration. Gene demonstrated principled management and a leadership in demanding the best from his team while respecting their efforts no matter the outcome. One great thing about Gene’s management was that is set a standard of excellence. With statements like â€Å"I don’t care about what anything was meant to do, I care about what it can do. This set in motion self-management by various supporting teams. This shows us important lessons that we can apply to other environments. Make sure to clearly identify roles and responsibilities of each and every team member. Communication is also a key in managing a team effectively. In the movie one of the team members unplugs his TV and takes his phone off the hook which cost everyone value time and inpu t in solving this crisis. Managers should make sure they can get in touch with employees. Create a policy if you must. An over authoritarian style of management with a top down principal is sometimes inappropriate. Managers often give instructions, tasks and fiat without asking the employee for their opinion. In contrast managers with a cooperative democratic style of management involve employees in decision making. Decisions are taken after detailed discussion in working groups. Information should be forwarded to a great extent through all communication channels. Gene Kranz was drawing at the board and listened to his team and their suggestions. And they all discussed the suggestions together. Without this democratic management style of Gene Kranz, the team would not have been as successful. Another issue is to work the problem correctly. Defining the problem is the hardest part of problem solving. As a manager it is important to define and communicate the problems which must be solved. Otherwise, no team will be able to find suitable solutions. Gene Kranz identified all the problems and formed special teams to address them. He made it clear to the teams which objects could be used. Only the objects that were available to the astronauts could be used. He wasted no time in complaining about what objects were not available or missing to solve the problem. He was action oriented and emphasized problem solving. It is also important to be a visible manager or leader. A good manager shoulders responsibility and conveys to all team members that they will work through the problem. Another trait of an effective manager is respect for others. Too often in today’s corporate environment, we don’t respect the judgment of those actually doing the work. Moreover, a crisis is not a time for accusations. The primary objective should be to handle the situation together and make the best of it. Gene Kranz did not ask at any time after the explosion, how such an explosion could have happened. Neither the astronauts nor Mission Control would have benefitted from the discussion of guilt, creative problem solving was much more important. In spite of all the negative talk, Gene told them failure was not an option, and they did not fail. Building trust must be combined with effective communication. Its benefit was evident in the film through the obstacles the team overcame. As a team grows together through strong management, their level of trust to achieve a collective goal, individuality becomes less important and the team’s objective is placed in the forefront. Action orientation becomes second nature, and feedback is open and honest. Combined, these improve the overall success and functionality of the manager, employee relationship. Finally, nobody wants to experience crisis such as the one in Apollo 13, however there will always be unpredictable problems and managers will have to challenge the situations. An effective manager should place themselves in Gene Kranz’s place for internalizing his way of leading a team. In addition, difficult situations that happen in the past should be analyzed for developing suggestions for managers to learn how to act in prospective situations. Every crisis is unique and demands an individual solution but for learning how to find the best solution, act right as a manager and motivate your team. Being successful and solving problems in a creative way is just but one aspect of being an effective manager and leader for your team.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Landscape Character Assessment for Heritage Management

Landscape Character Assessment for Heritage Management In 200 words or less describe why landscape characterisation has over the past decade provided a significant new dimension to heritage management practice Landscape Characterisation has been described by English Heritage as ‘a powerful tool that provides a framework for broadening our understanding of the whole landscape and contributes to decisions affecting tomorrows landscape.’[1] Landscape characterisation enables archaeologists, landscape specialists, and conservationists to work together to manage change within landscapes, using a common source that compiles often disparate research into the character of landscapes into a unified and accessible ‘map’ of the area. For heritage management this development is particularly useful because it allows for a more comprehensive study of the area under management – such as the identifying, mapping and assessing of habitats. This allows for more careful consideration of development planning especially in semi-rural areas where land is sought for residential use. To better understand the character of a landscape is to learn how to best protect it and this of fers the potential for a better ‘case’ for preserving important and/ or historic features of landscapes. The process is unique as it helps to facilitate the compilation of data from a great variety of specific historical, archaeological, and paleontological sites onto internationally accessible databases – this information is then used to help professionals manage change within landscapes on a national scale. This information can be put to good use in heritage management, particularly in terms of resources for education and visitor information. Landscape characterisation also helps the cohesion and implementation of management action plans and facilitates the strategic conservation of heritage. It does this by providing a historical context for already existing descriptions and research on landscapes, thus developing the understanding of how to manage landscapes especially on a local and regional level. Issues that interact through the process of landscape chara cterisation include local development and its control, environmental issues, and government proposals. Its use has also widened the scope for heritage management practice as it provides valuable data for existing heritage programmes and assists in future proposals involving historic field systems. Using at least three examples describe the benefits and uses of characterisation for managing landscape change. Your examples can be either urban (eg. from the EUS and UAD programmes), rural (eg. HLC) or thematic, or a combination. Historic Landscape Characterization was first developed in Cornwall in 1994 and now runs as a well-established and major programme that has redefined work with spatial historic analyses (Clark et al, 2004). It has altered perceptions of how the historic environment should be managed and encourages professionals to take into consideration the greater historical timeframe of the landscape where development has been slow, rather than more recent changes which have tended to be more rapid and unsustainable. The approach does not attempt to set precedents – rather it aims to open up discussion of land-use and make accessible information that could influence contemporary decisions. The rural impact of landscape characterization work has much to do with methods of maintaining, conserving, and managing heritage – both geological, archaeological, and architectural heritage. As expressed by Clark et al in their publication for English Heritage: â€Å"The drawing of ‘red lines’ around parts of the historic landscape was seen to risk devaluing the areas outside of the line; most importantly, it was not clear what would  be achieved other than a flagging up of interest, an objective that can be reached more directly and clearly by other methods.†[2] In both Hampshire and Lancashire the programme is reshaping the approach towards heritage management by producing interactive GIS-based descriptions of the ‘historic dimension the time-depth that characterises [the] rural landscape.’[3] It benefits from being approved by and working in accordance with the European Landscape Convention; this shows that the approach is not only applicable to projects outside the UK but has been welcomed by foreign professionals and its value recognised. As much as the UK, Europe is experiencing the squeeze of development, especially in its rural areas, and HLC is useful as it specifically focuses on how to protect and manage these changing rural landscapes. It distinguishes itself from other methods as it has been identified as being more direct and clear than other methods.[4] Perhaps one of the greatest potential selling points of the programme is that it addresses a loophole in the system, whereby common rural land can become overlook ed – falling in a ‘gap’ between the safety of having visible buildings of obvious archaeological importance and being of special scientific importance or exceptional natural beauty. In many cases the historical importance gets overlooked. English Heritage prides itself on the useful amalgamation of ‘Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC), run in partnership with County Council Sites and Monuments Records.’[5] Landscape characterisation is developing into one of the most useful and valuable resources in a society that promotes development and change, and which does so in response to the increasing demands being placed upon Britain’s landscape by the country’s economy and burgeoning population. As noted by Ucko and Layton[6] landscape character research is primarily driven by research objectives that require more in depth and comprehensive information about the landscape. For example, English Heritage need conservation-oriented information, while the planning system needs guidance, and land management decisions can rely upon the mapping of information to create landscapes of the future. A good example of how HLC is being used in the rural landscape can be seen in Suffolk, where a local Heritage Initiative has been overseeing a survey of the landscape that incorporates landscape mapping and photography. The objective of the initiative is to follow up a similar survey that was c onducted in 1999, and involves a partnership between the Womens Institute federations of East and West Suffolk, the local planning authorities in Suffolk and the Suffolk Coasts and Heaths Project Partnership.[7] This is a good example of what the process of landscape characterisation can bring to a community; it can promote the integration of otherwise separate governing bodies and social groups, and thus facilitates a more comprehensive understanding of the area. Different local Women’s Institute groups throughout Suffolk (about 75% of the total) surveyed the landscape and received training through events, a handbook, a leaflet and a video. The results of the study have been used to identify, rate, and type sources changes in the landscape between 1999 and 2004. The results were said to be assessed and analysed to ‘test the effectiveness of planning policies in protecting and enhancing landscape character.’[8] To aid community cohesion and promote the findings a n exhibition of the WI groups’ findings was created, as well as local exhibitions within each community that took part. At Creswell Crags near the Peak District a Management Action Plan has made use of landscape characterisation work within an ecological potentiality study that: Identifies, maps and assesses the management of existing areas of high quality habitat characteristic of the Heritage Area Identifies, maps and assesses the potential for linking and extending these areas of high quality habitat Identifies landscape characterisation work and its relationship to identification of potential for wildlife corridor links or extensions to major biodiversity nodes.[9] Again, this example shows the potential for working on an interdisciplinary basis where landscape character can help professionals from different academic backgrounds to work together in better understanding of the forces which shape and change our historic landscapes. English Heritage has also been researching extensively into historic fields and settlements in their project titled ‘Turning the Plough’ that culminated in a publication documenting the dramatic loss of mediaeval fields systems in the east Midlands. Using landscape character research the project results established that ‘the loss of these ridge and furrow landscapes is extreme’[10] and that English Heritage, DEFRA and other agencies have the ’urgent’ task of sustaining a future for what remains. These examples qualify the study of landscape character as a crucial development in the archaeology profession but also one that links archaeology to a number of other important areas, s uch as planning, community work, heritage management, and geology. It is important to recognise that landscape change occurs as a result of many different influences that the activities of mankind within the landscape reflect, embody, and destroy formations which owe their existence to much older geological processes. It is our choice whether we choose to preserve the record of human endeavour as shown by the mediaeval field system project ‘Turning the Plough’ and the extent to which we maintain and preserve the heritage of rural landscapes depends on the availability of funds, resources, and the efforts of professionals. Perhaps of more apparent concern is whether we do actually have a choice, or whether landscape change is accelerating beyond our control. These are some of the issues that projects involving landscape characterisation seek to address. Bibliography Clark, J, Darlington, J, and Fairclough, G, ‘Using Historic Land Characterization.’ (2002), English Heritage [online]. Available from: Countryside Agency, 2006 [online]. Available from:  [Accessed 24/08/08] English Heritage, ‘Landscape Character.’ [online]. Available from:  [Accessed 23/08/08] English Heritage. ‘Cresswell Crags Limestone Heritage Area’ [online]. Available from:  [Accessed 24/08/08] Hall, D. (2001), Turning the Plough. Northamptonshire County Council [online]. Available from: Full version available from:  [Accessed 24/08/08] Ucko, P.J, and Layton, R. (1999) The Archaeology and Anthropology of Landscape: Shaping Your Landscape. London: Routledge  1 [1] English Heritage, ‘Landscape Character.’ [online]. Available from:[Accessed 23/08/08] [2] Clark, J, Darlington, J, and Fairclough, G, ‘Using Historic Land Characterization.’ (2002), English Heritage, p.4. [3] English Heritage [online]: [4] Clark et al, 2002: 2. [5] English Heritage [online]: [6] Ucko, P.J, and Layton, R. (1999) The Archaeology and Anthropology of Landscape: Shaping Your Landscape. London: Routledge. [7] Countryside Agency, 2006 [online]. Available from:[Accessed 24/08/08] [8] Ibid. [9] ‘Cresswell Crags Limestone Heritage Area’ [online]. Available from:[Accessed 24/08/08] [10] Hall, D. (2001), Turning the Plough. Northamptonshire County Council [online]. Available from: Full version available from: [Accessed 24/08/08]

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Womans Struggle Captured in The Yellow Wallpaper -- Yellow Wallpape

A Woman's Struggle Captured in The Yellow Wallpaper       Pregnancy and childbirth are very emotional times in a woman's life and many women suffer from the "baby blues."   The innocent nickname for postpartum depression is deceptive because it down plays the severity of this condition. Although she was not formally diagnosed with postpartum depression, Charlotte Perkins Gilman   (1860-1935) developed a severe depression after the birth of her only child (Kennedy et. al.   424).   Unfortunately, she was treated by Dr.   S. Weir Mitchell, who forbade her to write and prescribed only bed rest and quiet for recovery   (Kennedy et al.   424).   Her condition only worsened and ultimately resulted in divorce   (Kennedy and Gioia   424).   Gilman's literary indictment of Dr.   Mitchell's ineffective treatment came to life in the story "The Yellow Wallpaper."   On the surface, this gothic tale seems only to relate one woman's struggle with mental illness, but because Guilman was a prominent feminist and social thinker she incorporated themes of women's rights and the poor relationships between husbands and wives   (Kennedy and Gioia 424). Guilman cleverly manipulates the setting to support her themes and set the eerie mood.    Upon first reading "The Yellow Wallpaper," the reader may see the relationship between the narrator and her husband John as caring, but with examination one will   find that the narrator is repeatedly belittled and demeaned by her husband.   On first arriving at the vacation home John chooses the old attic nursery against his wife's wishes and laughs at her when she complains about the wallpaper (Kennedy et al.   424,425).   In Charlotte Bronte's novel }{plain ul J... ... treatments of   Dr.   S.   Weir Mitchell, but contains much more than one expects. The short story not only studies the complications within a marital relationship, it examines a woman's struggle with mental illness and the hardships of inequality between the sexes.   The setting plays an important role to strengthen the themes and also makes the reader question the innocence and simplicity of what is related to him.    Works Cited Bronte, Charlotte.   Jane Eyre.   New York:   Signet Classic, 1960 Kennedy, X.J. and Dan Gioia.   Literature: an Introduction to Fiction, poetry, and Drama. Sixth   Edition.   New York:   Harper Collins College Publishers Inc.,   1995. Twentieth Century Literary Criticism.   Vol.   9.   Detroit:   Gale Research Inc., 1983. Hodges, Elaine R.   Short Story Criticism}.   Vol.   13.   Detroit:   Gale Research Inc.,   1993. A Woman's Struggle Captured in The Yellow Wallpaper -- Yellow Wallpape A Woman's Struggle Captured in The Yellow Wallpaper       Pregnancy and childbirth are very emotional times in a woman's life and many women suffer from the "baby blues."   The innocent nickname for postpartum depression is deceptive because it down plays the severity of this condition. Although she was not formally diagnosed with postpartum depression, Charlotte Perkins Gilman   (1860-1935) developed a severe depression after the birth of her only child (Kennedy et. al.   424).   Unfortunately, she was treated by Dr.   S. Weir Mitchell, who forbade her to write and prescribed only bed rest and quiet for recovery   (Kennedy et al.   424).   Her condition only worsened and ultimately resulted in divorce   (Kennedy and Gioia   424).   Gilman's literary indictment of Dr.   Mitchell's ineffective treatment came to life in the story "The Yellow Wallpaper."   On the surface, this gothic tale seems only to relate one woman's struggle with mental illness, but because Guilman was a prominent feminist and social thinker she incorporated themes of women's rights and the poor relationships between husbands and wives   (Kennedy and Gioia 424). Guilman cleverly manipulates the setting to support her themes and set the eerie mood.    Upon first reading "The Yellow Wallpaper," the reader may see the relationship between the narrator and her husband John as caring, but with examination one will   find that the narrator is repeatedly belittled and demeaned by her husband.   On first arriving at the vacation home John chooses the old attic nursery against his wife's wishes and laughs at her when she complains about the wallpaper (Kennedy et al.   424,425).   In Charlotte Bronte's novel }{plain ul J... ... treatments of   Dr.   S.   Weir Mitchell, but contains much more than one expects. The short story not only studies the complications within a marital relationship, it examines a woman's struggle with mental illness and the hardships of inequality between the sexes.   The setting plays an important role to strengthen the themes and also makes the reader question the innocence and simplicity of what is related to him.    Works Cited Bronte, Charlotte.   Jane Eyre.   New York:   Signet Classic, 1960 Kennedy, X.J. and Dan Gioia.   Literature: an Introduction to Fiction, poetry, and Drama. Sixth   Edition.   New York:   Harper Collins College Publishers Inc.,   1995. Twentieth Century Literary Criticism.   Vol.   9.   Detroit:   Gale Research Inc., 1983. Hodges, Elaine R.   Short Story Criticism}.   Vol.   13.   Detroit:   Gale Research Inc.,   1993.

Essay --

REVIEW OF DANIEL GOLDHAGEN’S ‘A MORAL RECKONING: THE ROLE OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE HOLOCAUST AND ITS UNFULLFILLED DUTY OF REPAIR’ This essay will review Daniel Goldhagen’s controversial moral inquiry, ‘A Moral Reckoning: The Role of the Catholic Church in the Holocaust and Its Unfulfilled Duty of Repair’, published in 2002. Goldhagen attended Harvard University as a graduate, undergraduate and assistant professor until he was denied tenure in 2003; this possibly indicates his limited status as an academic. Goldhagen notes that he is ‘indebted’ to his father, a Holocaust survivor, for some of his findings on the Holocaust. This personal connection to the Holocaust on the one hand allows Goldhagen to write more passionately. On the other hand, it obscures his ability to view evidence objectively, evident in this book under review. Goldhagen status rose to notoriety due to the controversial nature of his first book, ‘Hitler’s Willing Executioners’ published in 1996. This received much criticism and perhaps more importantly to Goldhagen, plenty of publicity. The contentious assertions of the book, whether academically valid or not, established the relative novice amongst historians. This is evident in the abundance of secondary literature that comments on Goldhagen’s work including that edited by F. Littell and F. Kautz. Goldhagen’s credentials as a controversial author explain the extremist content of his second book, ‘A Moral Reckoning’. Goldhagen’s academic background in political science is evident in the books emphasis on the church as a ‘political institution’ and the pope as a ‘political leader’ (p. 184). . This limits his work as a historian as he fails to fully examine the role of the individual. Goldhagen’s ... are manipulated for his argument. Goldhagen’s controversial and stimulating study encourages research to continue and in 2013 Jewish leaders pressured Pope Francis to open the Vatican archives from 1939-1947. The opening of these archives will instigate more investigations in this field and until these archives are opened the historical record will not be clarified. The importance of these archives illustrates the interesting nature of historical literature. The study of history focuses predominantly around primary materials, however these materials do not provide a definitive depiction of the past. Historians analyze primary sources to deduce an interpretation of the past. The discrepancies between historian’s interpretations form historiographical debate. It would be interesting to examine the extent to which historians are perhaps just academic storytellers.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Museum Experience :: Free Descriptive Essay About A Place

The Museum Experience One of my favorite things to do when traveling in a new city is to visit the museums. I have never been to a city that did not offer the usual museum fare, usually in the form of the â€Å"Anytown Art Museum†, or the â€Å"Anytown Museum of Natural History†. While these types of museums house some incredible artifacts, and I do visit them often, I also like to seek out museums of a more unusual sort. Museums are mostly the same just about everywhere you go, both in the United States and Europe. They offer the visitor a glimpse into the past culture of any given city or country by displaying relics found throughout the world. But there are also many museums that showcase artifacts of the culture in a much more specific way. Some fine examples of these kinds of museums include the Pez Museum, close to San Francisco, dedicated to the little candy dispenser, the Muzeum hracek in Prague, dedicated to toys of the world, both past and present, the Dungeon, a history of Medieval torture, also in Prague, and the Liberace Museum in Las Vegas, dedicated to all things Liberace--and I mean all things. The Pez Museum is not actually in San Francisco, but is located south of the city in a town called Burlingame. If you are in the Bay Area for any reason, do not miss this museum! Remember when you were a little kid, and you loved to collect Pez dispensers? Well, times have changed, and now Pez collections mean big money, and big business. The most expensive Pez dispenser to dat e is the short lived Mr. Potato Head dispenser, complete with a make-it-yourself face. This Pezsells for $5,000 at auction! This museum contains literally hundreds of Pez Dispensers, collected since their inception back in the Fifties. While Pez may not compare to a Rodin sculpture in terms of being considered classical art, obviously there are some people out there who appreciate the finer nuances of a mere candy dispenser. Toy museums abound throughout the world. I have been lucky enough to have visited two toy museums in my life, both in Europe. The first one was in a quaint town in Germany called Rothenburg. This town dates back to the Medieval era, and is one of the few towns in Western Europe that is still contained within it’s original defense walls. Because most of the buildings inside the walls are original, this town has become a major tourist attraction for European tourists.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Business Management Study Guide

Sample Test-Chapter 15Student: ___________________________________________________________________________ 1. An organization expands its private Internet to connect with customers, suppliers, and other partners. This expansion is called its A. intranet B. extranet C. private net D. website E. domain 2. Effective communication begins with A. speaking. B. listening. C. the message. D. two people. E. breaking through noise. 3. When you want your reader to take a logical action, you should lay out your ideas in writing by A. most important to least important. B. least controversial to most controversial. C. egative to positive. D. positive to negative. E. least important to most important. 4. The study of the meaning of words is called A. lexicography. B. rhetoric. C. semantics. D. morphology. E. cartology. 5. Denise and Florence are talking on their cell phones. After Denise reads her a phone number, Florence repeats the number back to Denise. This is an example of A. feedback. B. encoding. C. decoding. D. medium selection. E. noise. 6. A manager needs to communicate about a routine situation with someone she knows whose physical location is not far from her office. Generally, which of the following should the manager use? A. videoconferencing B. telephone C. e-mail D. face-to-face meeting E. newsletter 7. Jason tells Giorgio his cell phone number, and Giorgio nods. Jason then asks Giorgio to repeat back to him the phone number he just gave him. Jason is trying to avoid a(n) __________ barrier. A. encoding B. decoding C. medium D. feedback E. receiver 8. An announcement of the company-sponsored picnic travels from the employees' social committee to the other employees through email. This communication is __________ and _______. A. external; informal B. horizontal; informal C. vertical; informal D. vertical; formal E. external; formal 9. Which of the following is a personal barrier to communication? A. poor speaking skills B. lack of trustworthiness C. differing frames of reference D. judging others' messages E. All of the above are personal barriers to communication. 10. Generally, people comprehend about __________ of a typical verbal message. A. 10% B. 35% C. 50% D. 75% E. 90% 11. The drawbacks of using e-mail include which of the following? A. employees can communicate when they are not at company sites B. reduces use of paper C. information overload D. reduced costs of distributing information to employees E. increased teamwork 12. The device that indicates how official communications should be routed is called the A. organization chart. B. organizational culture. C. organizational profile. D. grapevine. E. lateral hierarchy. 13. Top executives at XYZ Company want to let lower level managers know that XYZ is going to be acquired by ABC, Inc. How should they communicate this? (Assume that all of the choices are possible. ) A. send a memo to all managers B. send an e-mail to all managers C. call a meeting of managers D. post a notice on all bulletin boards E. schedule a conference phone call 14. The introduction to a business speech should A. lways contain at least one joke. B. consist of 20 – 30% of the total speaking time. C. get right to the point. D. contain significant details of the presentation. E. always contain an unrelated story to catch the interest of the audience. 15. A female professor uses sports analogies in illustrating her lectures to a group of male students. She is said to be A. a feminist. B. genderflexing. C. copping out. D. miscommunicating. E. ingratiating. 16. XYZ Corporation communicates its revised mission statement to all employees. This is an example of A. external communication. B. downward communication. C. upward communication. D. orizontal communication. E. informal communication. 17. Of the following, which medium is the richest? A. bulletin board B. telephone C. e-mail D. letters E. videoconferencing 18. The type of communication channel that develops outside the organizational structure and does not follow the chain of command is called a(n) __________ communication channel. A. vertical B. horizontal C. external D. formal E. informal 19. According to the textbook, MBWA stands for A. management by wandering around. B. management by walking about. C. management by wishing a lot. D. management by wandering afar. E. management by working afield. 20. Do you actually listen when they're talking? This is most likely a test of which personal barrier that contributes to communication? A. tendency to judge others' messages B. variable skills in communicating effectively C. inability to listen with understanding D. faulty listening skills E. stereotypes and prejudices 21. Compared to women, men tend to A. give more tactful feedback. B. praise more. C. be indirect when they don't know something. D. indicate a lack of certainty about something. E. make apologies. 22. Salvador speaks English as a second language, and sometimes has difficulty coming up with the exact word to express an idea. Salvador is facing a(n) __________ barrier. A. encoding B. decoding C. medium D. feedback E. receiver 23. Which of the following is a â€Å"don't† toward better nonverbal communication skills? A. maintain eye contact B. look away from the speaker C. lean toward the speaker D. speak in a quiet, reassuring tone E. smile and show animation 24. Speed reading works well for material that is A. unfamiliar. B. easy. C. dense. D. complicated. E. All of the above. 25. A study conducted by AT and Stanford University found that the top predictor of success and professional upward mobility was A. writing ability. B. nterpersonal skills. C. public speaking ability. D. intelligence. E. integrity.Sample Test-Chapter 15Key 1. (p. 486) An organization expands its private Internet to connect with customers, suppliers, and other partners. This expansion is called its A. intranet B. extranet C. private net D. website E. domain AACSB: 3 BT: Knowledge Difficulty: Easy Kinicki – Chapter 15 #106 Learning Objective: 4 2. (p. 469) Effective communication begins with A. speaking. B. listening. C. the message. D. two people. E. breaking through noise. Effective communication begins with listening: paying attention to the words being spoken. AACSB: 3 BT: Comprehension Difficulty: Moderate Kinicki – Chapter 15 #60 Learning Objective: 1 3. (p. 492) When you want your reader to take a logical action, you should lay out your ideas in writing by A. most important to least important. B. least controversial to most controversial. C. negative to positive. D. positive to negative. E. least important to most important. This is a good strategy when the action you want your reader to take is logical and not highly political. AACSB: 3 BT: Comprehension Difficulty: Moderate Kinicki – Chapter 15 #121 Learning Objective: 5 4. (p. 75) The study of the meaning of words is called A. lexicography. B. rhetoric. C. semantics. D. morphology. E. cartology. AACSB: 3 BT: Knowledge Difficulty: Easy Kinicki – Chapter 15 #80 Learning Objective: 2 5. (p. 471) Denise and Florence are talking on their cell phones. After Denise reads her a phone number, Florence repeats the number back to Denise. This is an example of A. feedback. B. encoding. C. decoding. D. medium selection. E. noise. Feedback is when the receiver (Florence) expresses his or her reaction to the sender's (Denise) message (the phone number). AACSB: 3 BT: Application Difficulty: Hard Kinicki – Chapter 15 #64 Learning Objective: 1 6. (p. 473) A manager needs to communicate about a routine situation with someone she knows whose physical location is not far from her office. Generally, which of the following should the manager use? A. videoconferencing B. telephone C. e-mail D. face-to-face meeting E. newsletter Lean media is generally best for routine situations. In order from high to low media richness: face-to-face presence, video-conferences, telephone, personal written media, impersonal written media. E-mail would be the best media to use since the manager knows the person and the situation is outine. AACSB: 3 BT: Application Difficulty: Hard Kinicki – Chapter 15 #71 Learning Objective: 1 7. (p. 475) Jason tells Giorgio his cell phone number, and Giorgio nods. Jason then asks Giorgio to repeat back to him the phone number he just gave him. Jason is trying to avoid a(n) __________ barrier. A. encoding B. decoding C. medium D. feedback E. receiver A feedback barrier is when the recipient doesn't respond enough. Jason wants Giorgio to repeat the number to be sure he heard it correctly. AACSB: 3 BT: Application Difficulty: Hard Kinicki – Chapter 15 #77 Learning Objective: 2 8. p. 484) An announcement of the company-sponsored picnic travels from the employees' social committee to the other employees through email. This communication is __________ and _______. A. external; informal B. horizontal; informal C. vertical; informal D. vertical; formal E. external; formal Informal communication channels develop outside the formal structure and do not follow the chain of command. In this case the announcement came from the social committee and was sent to other employees internally outside the formal structure of the company. AACSB: 3 BT: Application Difficulty: Hard Kinicki – Chapter 15 #99 Learning Objective: 3 9. (p. 477) Which of the following is a personal barrier to communication? A. poor speaking skills B. lack of trustworthiness C. differing frames of reference D. judging others' messages E. All of the above are personal barriers to communication. The choices in the question all refer to personal barriers to communication. AACSB: 3 BT: Communication Difficulty: Moderate Kinicki – Chapter 15 #82 Learning Objective: 2 10. (p. 490) Generally, people comprehend about __________ of a typical verbal message. A. 10% B. 35% C. 50% D. 75% E. 90% Generally, people comprehend only about 35% of a typical verbal message, experts say. AACSB: 3 BT: Comprehension Difficulty: Moderate Kinicki – Chapter 15 #115 Learning Objective: 5 11. (p. 486) The drawbacks of using e-mail include which of the following? A. employees can communicate when they are not at company sites B. reduces use of paper C. information overload D. reduced costs of distributing information to employees E. increased teamwork AACSB: 3 BT: Knowledge Difficulty: Easy Kinicki – Chapter 15 #108 Learning Objective: 4 12. (p. 482) The device that indicates how official communications should be routed is called the A. rganization chart. B. organizational culture. C. organizational profile. D. grapevine. E. lateral hierarchy. The organizational chart indicates how official communications—memos, letters, reports, announcements—are supposed to be routed. AACSB: 3 BT: Comprehension Difficulty: Moderate Kinicki – Chapter 15 #94 Learning Objective: 3 13. (p. 473) Top executives at XYZ Company want to let lower level managers know that XYZ is going to be acquired by ABC, Inc. How should they communicate this? (Assume that all of the choices are possible. ) A. send a memo to all managers B. send an e-mail to all managers C. all a meeting of managers D. post a notice on all bulletin boards E. schedule a conference phone call This is a nonroutine, unusual event that requires the richest type of communication such as a face-to-face meeting. AACSB: 3 BT: Application Difficulty: Hard Kinicki – Chapter 15 #72 Learning Objective: 1 14. (p. 493) The introduction to a business speech should A. always contain at least one joke. B. consist of 20 – 30% of the total speaking time. C. get right to the point. D. contain significant details of the presentation. E. always contain an unrelated story to catch the interest of the audience. Because everything in your speech should be relevant, try to go right to the point. AACSB: 3 BT: Comprehension Difficulty: Moderate Kinicki – Chapter 15 #124 Learning Objective: 5 15. (p. 480) A female professor uses sports analogies in illustrating her lectures to a group of male students. She is said to be A. a feminist. B. genderflexing. C. copping out. D. miscommunicating. E. ingratiating. Genderflexing refers to temporarily using communication behaviors typical of the other gender to increase the potential for influence. For example, a female manager might use sports analogies to motivate a group of males. AACSB: 3 BT: Comprehension Difficulty: Moderate Kinicki – Chapter 15 #92 Learning Objective: 2 16. (p. 483) XYZ Corporation communicates its revised mission statement to all employees. This is an example of A. external communication. B. downward communication. C. upward communication. D. horizontal communication. E. informal communication. Downward communication flows from a higher level to a lower level. AACSB: 3 BT: Application Difficulty: Hard Kinicki – Chapter 15 #97 Learning Objective: 3 17. (p. 473) Of the following, which medium is the richest? A. bulletin board B. telephone C. -mail D. letters E. videoconferencing In order from high to low media richness: face-to-face presence, video-conferences, telephone, personal written media, impersonal written media. AACSB: 3 BT: Comprehension Difficulty: Moderate Kinicki – Chapter 15 #69 Learning Objective: 1 18. (p. 484) The type of communication channel that develops outside the organizational structure and does not follow the chain of command is called a(n) __________ communication channel. A. vertical B. horizontal C. external D. formal E. informal AACSB: 3 BT: Knowledge Difficulty: Easy Kinicki – Chapter 15 #100 Learning Objective: 3 19. (p. 484) According to the textbook, MBWA stands for A. management by wandering around. B. management by walking about. C. management by wishing a lot. D. management by wandering afar. E. management by working afield. AACSB: 3 BT: Knowledge Difficulty: Easy Kinicki – Chapter 15 #103 Learning Objective: 3 20. (p. 477) Do you actually listen when they're talking? This is most likely a test of which personal barrier that contributes to communication? A. tendency to judge others' messages B. variable skills in communicating effectively C. inability to listen with understanding D. faulty listening skills E. stereotypes and prejudices Faulty listening skills includes thinking about what you are going to say when the other person is talking as well as mostly talking about yourself. The test for this barrier is asking yourself, â€Å"Do you actually listen when they're talking? † AACSB: 3 BT: Comprehension Difficulty: Moderate Kinicki – Chapter 15 #83 Learning Objective: 2 21. (p. 480) Compared to women, men tend to A. give more tactful feedback. B. praise more. C. be indirect when they don't know something. D. indicate a lack of certainty about something. E. make apologies. AACSB: 3 BT: Knowledge Difficulty: Easy Kinicki – Chapter 15 #90 Learning Objective: 2 22. (p. 475) Salvador speaks English as a second language, and sometimes has difficulty coming up with the exact word to express an idea. Salvador is facing a(n) __________ barrier. A. encoding B. decoding C. medium D. feedback E. receiver An encoding barrier is when the message is not expressed correctly. If English is not your first language, then you may have difficulty expressing exactly what you mean to say. AACSB: 3 BT: Application Difficulty: Hard Kinicki – Chapter 15 #76 Learning Objective: 2 23. (p. 80) Which of the following is a â€Å"don't† toward better nonverbal communication skills? A. maintain eye contact B. look away from the speaker C. lean toward the speaker D. speak in a quiet, reassuring tone E. smile and show animation AACSB: 3 BT: Knowledge Difficulty: Easy Kinicki – Chapter 15 #88 L earning Objective: 2 24. (p. 491) Speed reading works well for material that is A. unfamiliar. B. easy. C. dense. D. complicated. E. All of the above. Psychologists have found that speed reading or skimming may work well with easy or familiar reading material, but it can lead to problems with dense or unfamiliar material. AACSB: 3 BT: Comprehension Difficulty: Moderate Kinicki – Chapter 15 #119 Learning Objective: 5 25. (p. 493) A study conducted by AT&T and Stanford University found that the top predictor of success and professional upward mobility was A. writing ability. B. interpersonal skills. C. public speaking ability. D. intelligence. E. integrity. A study conducted by AT & T and Stanford University found that the top predictor of success and professional upward mobility is how much you enjoy public speaking and how effective you are at it. AACSB: 3 BT: Comprehension Difficulty: Moderate Kinicki – Chapter 15 #123 Learning Objective: 5

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Loss of Freedom Through Apathy

We do cede emancipation in this body politic but we bargonly choose to omit it. We live in a democracy, the close just kind of government, where we the race produce supreme power. It is an institution that is a orgasm of revolutions, wars, philosophies and heroes. It is the niftyest and proudest government in the world. one reason for this is that Ameri put ups have a sort out citizens of Iraq and China and North Korea only ideate they could have. It took one of the greatest military epics in history for our Founding Fathers to receive this right. It took the process of thousands for women to achieve this right.It took 400 categorys of deprave for blacks to fin onlyy to win this right. It is the highest and purest form of freedom of speech and as Americans it is our single intimately powerful instrument of self government. It is the American choose and in this Presidential preference it is a right 250 zillion chose to ignore. This year I had the great opportunity to decl be oneself my services to the Democratic party. I was kindle to work for the Democrats because it was my first ever check involved with the election. For 17 years I stood as a common bystander to this great American tradition.Volunteering my hours made me feel ike I was part of m boththing important. Mostly my work consisted of random polling. I would c every last(predicate) raft up between the hours of 7 and 9 P. M. and choose them a few questions roughly the election. With all(prenominal) call I hoped for the best, but it beted that I was calling people at the conviction they were most irritable. Most would simply bent up, leaving with a polite Oh, Im non interested. Others acted militantly to my calling, slamming the phone in disgust. It startled and in a carriage disheartened me, the way many of the people I polled seemed totally apathetic to the semipolitical world around us.To me, spending a minute answering questions virtually the time to come of poli tics did not seem handle too much to drive at all. Yet it continued. Hello Im calling on behalf of your voice go after Toricelli. Id homogeneous to ask a few questions. Im sorry Im real busy right now. I cant talk. *click Hello Im calling on behalf of your congressman Bob Toricelli. Id akin to ask a few questions. non interested *click Hello Im calling on behalf of your congressman Bob Toricelli. Id divvy up to ask a few questions. Im tired of hearing about this election. *clickIf I was calling from a telephone company or some early(a) corporate monster disturbing people with their propaganda, I could understand how their write out rudeness could be justified. But I am not calling on behalf of some annoying telemarketing scheme. I am an eager high domesticate student with a fresh jam with politics. I am polling people about the leader of tomorrow, who allow for directly pertain the taxes they spend, the wars they go into, and the moral values that they seem to hold so dear. To take a minute did not seem like a lot. In this past election over 52% of the population desirable to vote did not.Many acceptt find anything particularly wrong with this. Their logical system being that half of the nation voting would be just as in effect(p) as the entire nation. The problem with this reasoning is that some groups in America vote in larger numbers than other groups. Take for example the elderly in this country. It has been well documented that senior citizens to a higher place 60 have the highest voter turn-out of any age group in this country. twain Presidential candidates this year have appealed powerfully for medical reforms with this group e supererogatoryly in mind. For Politicians this is the roup that can make or explode their election hopes.They will do any(prenominal) it takes to entertain this group, even if it means stepping all over another group to please them. In contrast the age wall bracket with the lowest voter turn-out a re raw(a) voters between 20 and 29. This X multiplication of voters will have their rap practice of medicine censored for being too intelligible and their action films for being too violent. The profits that this generation seems to embrace so affectionately will be censored by the telecommunications bill and its television programming will include little ratings on the go along left of their screens.Politicians will have no problem abusing the rights of this Generation X because simply put, they dont go our and vote. In this way the government pays more management to the elderly as compared to the young. They will care more about the trials and tribulations of the rich and middle class rather than the suffering of the poor. They will bread and butter the N. R. A. with it s sinful operations because yes, to each one and every one of their 2. 5 million members vote. The vote determines who has the power in this country. It is not necessarily the majority. It is those who are dedicated. America is the trim of the free.Too many Americans take this for granted. We are not a monarchy. We are not a communism. We are not a dictatorship. We are a democracy and the people have the surmount. We are different from all the other types of government because the voices that govern us are our own. But when 250 million do not vote, who has the right to say that we control ourselves? When half chooses to hold their mouths, who is to say that we are not a nation of special interests who do not hold their mouths? We have freedom, but it is apathy that is taking it by from us. We have that control we simply dont use it.

The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Thirty-Five

Initiation night for the newest members of the Vitale hostelry had arrived at last. The cavernous stylus of life was lit exactly by golden candlelight from immense tapers set(p) approximately the space and by the fire of high-flaming torches once more(prenominal)(prenominal)st the wal s. In the flickering light, the animals carved in the wood of the pil ars and arches close to getmed to be moving. gym mat, dressed in a immorality hooded tog worry the other initiates, gazed around proudly. Theyd worked gruelling, and the room looked amazing.At the front of the room, beneath the highest arch, a long table had been placed, draped in a dense red sitin cloth and looking like few winsome of altar. In the center of the table sat a huge enigmatical stone bowl, approximately like a baptismal font, and around it roses and orchids were set. much flowers had been scattered on the floor, and the scent of the crushed blossoms underfoot was so strong that it was dizzying. The pl edges were lined up, eventidely spaced, in advance the altar.As if shed picked up on his pride at how allthing had turned push through and through, Chloe pushed her dark hood buttocks a bit and leaned toward him to mutter, Pretty fabulous, huh? two-dimensionality smiled at her. So what if she was dating someone else? He stil liked her. He requireed to stay friends, even if that was al on that point could be mingled with them.He tugged at his robe self-consciously the fabric was heavy, and he didnt like the way it blocked his peripheral vision.The latest robeed members of the Vitale ordering wove silently among the pledges, handing push through goblets ful of some kind of liquid. languor sniffed his and smel ed ginger and chamomile as well upas slight familiar scents so this was where the herbs had been used.He smiled at the young woman who gave it to him, but got no response. Her eyeball laughingstock the mask slid everyplace him neutral y, and she moved on. Once he was a ful member of the Vitale Society, he would know who these current members were, would see them without their masks. He sipped from his goblet and grimaced it tasted strange and astringent.The softish rustlings of cloak treeed figures moving across the floor were quieten as the last of the goblets was handed out and the dissemble Vitales quietly retreated under the arch git the altar to watch. Ethan stepped forward, up to the altar, and pushed cover charge his hood.Welcome, he tell, attribute out his hands to the assembled pledges. Welcome to true top executive at last. The candlelight flickered over his face, twisting it into something strange and some sinister. Matt twitched nervously and took another swal ow of the bitter herbal medley.A toast Ethan cal ed. He raised(a) his own goblet, and before him, the pledges raised theirs. He hesitated for a moment, then said, To moving beyond the veil and discovering the truth.Matt raised his goblet and drained it with the other pledges. The mixture left a gritty feeling on his tongue, and he scraped it absently against his teeth.Ethan looked around at the pledges and smiled, locking gazes with one after another. Youve al worked so hard, he said affectionately. Each of you has reached his or her personal inflorescence of intel igence, strength, and leadership ability now. To findher, you are a stuff to be reckoned with. You have been meliorate.Matt managed to politely forbear himself from rol ing his eyes. It was nice to be praised, of course, but some periods Ethan was a exact too over the top perfected? Matt doubted it was even possible. It seemed to him that you could always strive to be a little more, or a little less, something.You could always wish to be better. that even if he could, after al , be perfected, he suspected that it would take more than a few obstacle courses and group problem-solving exercises to do it.And now it is time to at last discover your purpose, Ethan continue d. Time to bring to pass the final stage in your transformation from cut-and-dry students into true avatars of power. He took a clean and luster silver medal cup from the altar and dipped it into the deep stone bowl in front of him.With every step forward in evolution, there moldiness(prenominal) be some sacrifice. I regret both pain this wil cause you. Be comforted by the knowledge that al permiting is temporary. Anna, step forward. in that respect was a slight uneasy stirring among the pledges.This reprimand of suffering and sacrifice was different than Ethans usual fierceness on honor and power. Matt frowned.Something was wrong here.But Anna, looking tiny in her long robe, walked without vacillation up to the altar and pushed book binding her hood.Drink of me, Ethan said, handing her the silver cup.Anna blinked uncertainly and then, her eyes on Ethan, tipped back her take and drained the cup. As she handed it back to Ethan, she licked her lips automatical y, and Matt t ried to peer more closely at her. In the flickering candlelight, her lips looked violent y red and slick.Then Ethan led her around the side of the altar and into his arms. He smiled, and his face twisted, his eyes dilating and his lips pul ing back in a snarl. His teeth looked so long, so sharp. Matt tried to shout a warning but realized with horror that he couldnt move his lips, couldnt draw the breath to cal out.He knew, suddenly, that he had been a fool.Ethan sank his fangs deep into Annas neck. Matt strained, trying to unthaw toward them, to attack Ethan and throw him away from Anna. But he couldnt move at al . He must be under some kind of compulsion. Or perhaps something in the drink, some magic ingredient, had do them al docile and stil . He watched helplessly as Anna struggled for a few moments, then went limp, her eyes rol ing back in her head.Unceremoniously, Ethan let her body drop to the ground. Dont be afraid, he said kindly, gazing around at the horrified, polar pl edges. Al of us he gestured toward the silent, masked Vitale behind him went through this initiation recently. You must brace yourself to suffer what is only a smal , temporary death, and then you wil be one of us, a true Vitale. Never maturation old, never dying.Powerful forever. Sharp white teeth and golden eyes shining in the candlelight, Ethan reached out toward the next pledge as Matt struggled again to shout, to fight. Ethan continued,Stuart, step forward.Elena smel ed so good, rich and smart like an exotic ripe fruit. Damon wanted to manifestly bury his head in the soft fell at the crook of her neck and upright inspire her for a decade or two. Snaking his arm through hers, he pul ed her closer.You cant come in with me, she told him for the arcminute time. I might be able to get James to emit to me because its a question about(predicate) my parents, but I dont calculate hel tel me anything if someone else is there. whatsoever the truth is about the Vitale Society and my parents, I think hes embarrassed about it. Or afraid, or something. Without nonrecreational attention to what she was doing, Elena shifted her grip and held on to Damons arm more firmly.Fine, Damon said stubbornly. Il wait outside. I wont let him see me. But youre not to walk across campus at night by yourself. Its not safe.Yes, Damon, Elena said in a convincing imitation of meekness, and rested her head on his shoulder. The lemony scent of her shampoo complex with the more essential Elena smel of her. Damon sighed with contentment.She cared for him, he knew that, and Stefan had taken himself out of the picture. She was stil young, his princess, and a human heart could heal. Maybe, with Stefan gone, she would final y see how much closer she was, mind and soul, to Damon, how absolutely they fit together.In any case, she was his for now. He elevate his free hand and stroked her head, her silky hair ductile beneath his fingers, and smiled.The professors house was barely off campus, just across the street from the gilded entrance gates. Theyd almost reached the edge of campus when a familiar presence that had been lurking nearby at last came very close.Damon wheeled to examine the tail assemblys, pul ing Elena with him.What is it? Elena said, alarmed.Come out, Damon thought with exasperation, sending his silent pass toward the thickest shadows at the base of a crowd of oak trees. You know you cant hide from me.One dark shadow detached itself from the rest, stepping forward on the pathway. Stefan simply gazed at the ground, shoulders slumped, his hands loose and open by his sides. Elena gasped, a smal hurt sound.Stefan looked terrible, Damon thought, not without sympathy. His face seemed hol ow and strained, his cheekbones more vainglorious than usual, and Damon would have bet that he wasnt feeding properly. Damon mat up a twinge of disquiet. He didnt take pastime in causing his brother pain. Not anymore.Well? Damon said, raising his eyebrows.Ste fan glanced up at him. I dont want to fight with you, Damon, he said silently.So dont, Damon cerebrovascular accident back at him, and Stefans mouth twitched in a half smile of acknowledgment.Stefan, Elena said suddenly, sounding like the word had been jerked out of her. Please, Stefan. Stefan stared down at the path under his feet, not meeting her eyes. I sensed you were nearby, Elena, and I felt your anxiety, he said wearily. I thought you might have been in trouble. Im sorry, I was mistaken. I shouldnt have come.Elena stiffened, and her long dark lashes fel over her eyes, hiding, Damon was almost sure, the beginnings of tears.A long silence stretched between them. Final y, irritated by the tension, Damon made an attempt to ease it. So, he said casual y, we stone-broke into the campus security office last night.Stefan looked up with a flicker of interest. Oh? Did you find anything useful?Crime circumstance photos, but they werent very helpful, Damon said, shrugging. The folder s were marked with black Vs, so were trying to figure out what that means.Elenas going to verbalize to her professor about the Vitale Society, see if it could have anything to do with them.The Vitale Society? Stefan said hesitantly.Damon waved a hand dismissively. A secret society from back in the sidereal day when Elenas parents were here, he said. Who knows? It may be nothing.Drawing a hand across his face, Stefan seemed to be thinking hard. Oh, no, he muttered. Then, looking at Elena for the first time, he asked, Wheres Matt?Matt? Elena echoed, startled out of her wistful contemplation of Stefan. Um, I think he had some kind of meeting tonight. Footbal stuff, maybe?I have to go, Stefan said tightly, and was immediately gone. With his enhanced abilities, Damon could hear Stefans light footsteps locomote away. But to Elena, he knew, Stefan had been nothing but a silently vanishing blur.Elena turned to Damon, her face crumpling in what he recognized as a prelude to more tears. W hy would he fol ow me if he doesnt want to talk to me? she said, her example hoarse with sorrow.Damon gritted his teeth. He was trying hard to be patient, to wait for Elena to give him her heart, but she kept thinking of Stefan. He told you, he said, keeping his voice even. He wants to make sure youre safe, but he doesnt want to be with you. But I do. intemperately recapturing her arm with his, he tugged her lightly forward. Shal we?